When, I look at the works of an artist, I see the blood , sweat, tears. going into that project. I see the hours of time doing their best to prefect that craft. I, being a recording, performing and touring artist my self with the ability to write a song, from a thought , a concept or life's lessons, am able to reach an artist where that artist / songwriters lives. Many labels, tech heads, mobile platforms etc, see an artist craft as just another number. When you are part of POWERS BROTHERS RECORDS you are family, you have my ear with a simple text email or a message, If i am busy i will get back with you as soon as i can.
When i look at a song, I ask myself what can i do to make this work for this artist , with the resources i have. Over nearly thirty years i have had the privilege to set down in creative writing sessions with some of the most amazing songwriters in the world and some of the greatest artist of all time. I bring that same knowledge, Experience and understanding to the table. With the same consideration , conceptual understanding and wisdom that was afforded me those many years i have been pursuing this industry.
Now, I want to offer our services to you. I want to share in your successes by representing your songs, our craft, your artistic flair, that makes you amazing in the eyes of your fans. I do not care if you have only a Vocal that needs to be heard or if you have a great group or band. I am not here to change your direction only to exploit your efforts and help you get to where you want to go.
When you submit a single to me or a body of works i will always do my best to listen, please do not be discouraged if i can not accept your submission for what reasons i determine but after all this is my house i am inviting you into.
If i do accept your single or your complete body of works, and if we make a decision to release this to the media , radio and digital platforms we will put the efforts of the label and its resources to see it through the life of the record and beyond if the sales are showing promise.
This may be a long read, but i think its very important to get this out there so you can see where we stand and what you can expect from our company.
We fully expect to be a part of the four hundred billion dollar industry and the only way to do that and be successful is to release great material under our label.
If we accept your submission, and sign a distribution contract with you , you can take it to the bank we will be doing everything we can to see that your releases are successful for if you are not a success we fail its that simple.
Be Blessed;
Beau Powers
President of Operations
2019 Powers Brothers Records PBR